Sensor Analytics Pioneers, Supply Chain Experts, Data Scientists, Logisticians, Big Data Evangelists, Leaders

Rosemary Johnston Acting Chief Executive Officer
Rosemary Johnston Acting Chief Executive Officer
As Senior Vice President, Operations, Rosemary Johnston oversees operations, systems support and governance assistance for Savi. She has been with Savi since 2006 and has held a variety of positions in services and support, business process improvement, business integration, and information technology systems.
Rosemary’s understanding of the military supply chain and logistics market comes from a distinguished career in both commercial enterprises and her 23-year service in the United States Air Force. While in the Air Force, she was responsible for spearheading planning and forecasting analyses that were critical to the supply chain community, developing key wartime logistics planning concepts, and establishing supply policies that impacted the depth and breadth of retail and wholesale supply chains. She chaired the U.S. Air Force Supply Chiefs Advisory Board, U.S. Air Force Supply Training Team, and U.S. Air Force Supply Wartime Requirements workgroups. In addition, she also chaired the Supply Chain Council’s Aerospace and Defense working group, which focused on further development of the SCOR Model and use of RFID technology to support and enhance in-transit visibility.
Rosemary holds certification from Defense Acquisition University in Product Lifecycle Management, Acquisition Professional Development and Logistics Management Professional Development.

Jeannette Recio Vice President, Finance
Jeannette Recio Vice President, Finance
Jeannette Recio is Vice President, Finance at Savi. She leads the company’s growth financing strategy and is responsible for managing all aspect of the company’s finance and accounting functions.
With over 15 years of experience in accounting, finance and supply chain for technology companies, Jeannette brings a wealth of unique expertise. Prior to joining Savi in 2013, Jeannette spent time at Hewlett Packard, Honeywell, Govplace and GridPoint, Inc., an industry leader in Energy Management Systems for large-scale commercial and government clients.
The soul of Savi —our Engineers, Data Scientists, Product Managers, Developers, Sales Consultants, IT, Finance, Marketers and Operations whizzes

Jordan Kendrick
Jordan Kendrick

Matt Beyea
Matt Beyea

Jason Andrews
Jason Andrews

Doug Schreffler
Doug Schreffler

Jay Stamm
Jay Stamm